
Like a moth
 who no matter after many experience
 which gets killed burned and yet everytime it sees a flame it goes near it because it's beautiful it's ravishing it's exquisite
 it catches your attention and gets all your undivided attention.
but just as soon as it goes closer to it ...
It starts becoming warm
 the feeling of warmness cannot be written in words it can only be felt ....
but then you suddenly get too close and you realise the fuck you did when it starts burning and you wanna run away without getting damaged that's what your mind wants
but like moth it listens to its heart to its love for flames even if it means dying ....
And it just gives itself into the flames only to get burned and die ...
That is what she does to me....
I have been warned a million times
she is not good for me she will ruin me
I know they are right and my mind says listen to them
but everytime I see her
I loose everything my common senses becomes nonsense
everytime she passes by or calls my name...
my mind asks me to run away and save myself..
but my heart and body it craves for her, her kisses and touch.....
I know if I am with her all I am gonna get is pain, heartbreaks and dying everyday because of her
But that is the thing I want to feel that pain for and with her....
Because she is my flame which I am scared to loose and want to explore so badly....
Even though I am aware of all this....
still every time i see her...
"I am drawn to her like a moth drawn to a deadly flame."
